Monthly Archives: April 2008

Step Right Up!



Don’t forget about the FUN contest!  Here is a picture of my Mom who is having a Milestone Birthday this May.  Guess her age, on the nose, and win a skein of Blue Moon Fiber Arts "Knitters Without Borders" in Lightweight plus another skein of BMFA STR in a weight & color way that is the winner’s preference (plus other fun goodies).

Just leave a comment by Friday May 2, Noon PST.

And thank you to all have left guesses- Mom aka Charlene is totally tickled by your interest!  And she was VERY bummed that she couldn’t pose a  guess and win the yarn herself.  No cheating, Mom!  And we will have none of that having your friends comment to win the yarn for you! (Her LYS is Jennifer Knits in Brentwood- so I am on to all of you!)

And if you are not Mom or part of her posse posing for Mom, you could win something out of this beautiful cabinet (which might be significantly more full after camp):


So, come on- Step Right Up and give a guess.  If you know shhh and one guess per customer!

Step Right Up, leave a comment with your guess!


Love you all to bits- KT

And Mom- no faking!

A little graft, a little soak and into the box they go and a wee contest



My May Day Swap socks are done! Except the grafting.  The yarn is BMFA Sapphire in Heavyweight. Perfect Spring morning socks, when there is still a bit of a chill in the air.  or if you live here, great for when it is dumping snow in late April.  Here is hoping my pal will like these and that they fit! There was much gnashing of teeth and ripping back in terms of fit.

Each time I knit a pair of socks, I find that I internalize another piece of the sock puzzle which is completely invigorating. One of the actions which I find truly energizing(regardless of the item) is ripping out and reknitting it. Which not only did I have to do that several times on the above socks but on these too. Must finish giant socks!

Camp was wonderful.  It was much harder this year to be away from the boys, though we all have pulled through in fine form.  I find that I want to tell you more about camp and as it is incredibly experiential for me, this is proving difficult.  Great fun is apt but not terribly descriptive.  It was great fun all the same.

Duncan is home with a fever and whine today, so lots of knitting whilst wiping of a little nose (not with the knitting!) and giving comfort.


In the hold on to your horses department:

My Mom was tickled that her photo popped up on the blog AND she gave me permission to tell her age.  It is going to be a contest!  Guess my mom’s age, on the nose- it is a milestone birthday- and you will receive 1 skein of Blue Moon Knitters Without Borders in Lightweight (not yet available on their site), plus one more skein of Blue Moon Yarn (weight & color tbd by winner’s preference) and other various goodies.  Leave a comment by Noon, PST Friday May 2.  And if you know shh…..Also, if there is more than one correct guess, we will do the name in the hat thing.

One guess per customer.Good luck!


Love y’all to bits!

Off I go…


  Tomorrow morning bright and early I am off to Sock Camp.  The car is packed, permission slips for field trips signed and children hugged and kissed.

We had Duncan’s big 5 year old birthday party on Saturday and it was wonderful.


Here is a super cute if a little dark picture of my Mom & Duncan.

This year is really a year of milestones- Craig & I will be married 10 years, Duncan turns 5, I  turn 40 in August, my Mom turns "X".

We FINALLY sold our house in Virginia after almost 12 months on the  market!  Yea!! Angels singing!


Love to you and hopefully I will blog from Camp.


If you are reading- THANK YOU!!

Love -


And now we are 5




Today my baby turns 5.  What a cacophony of emotion.  It is thrilling that logic and reason are starting to creep in and heartbreaking that there are no babies in the house.

Every Friday Duncan gets out of school at noon, so we have some special time just the two of us.  Each and every Friday he says, as he gets in the car: "Mama, can we have a Gluten Fest and then go to the fabric store?"  So off we go for pizza (we are a gluten free house- big brother has Celiac) and about half way through lunch, Duncan says to me :"Mama, do you think the fabric store has anything new for my stash?"

And yes, he has a stash.  If you were wondering what the stash of a barely five year old little boy looks like, here you go:



(motorcycles, dolphins, firetrucks, police vehicles and crowns)


But he does have some mighty big shoes to fill (this isn’t all of it- trust me)


Happy Birthday Duncan.  You have my heart- always.

Love to all of you- back with much to tell.