Monthly Archives: August 2007

A very fine day…


My boys took very good care of me this morning. A beautiful breakfast of a pepperjack omelette, bacon, toast, coffee and gifts. The smiles and love on their faces was the best gift. I am so blessed.

A wonderful way to begin my birthday. 39 is going to be a great year.

Love to all of you.

Spinning and Whirling


Remember when I mentioned that I took a stack n’ whack class? Well, I’ve nearly finished the top! (Need to square up and maybe add a border).

This was really fun to make and I learned loads. Up to this juncture, I had never done point, just squares. At first it was intimidating and I think most (not all) of them turned out pretty well. Exhibit A:

The colors in the 2nd photo are pretty accurate. Also, I had never done any sashing, let alone a trellis technique. I loved the meta-construction and can see myself applying it to lots of quilts in the future.

I tried to really push the colors and I do love it. Lots of room for improvement in my piecing, though!

Have a great Saturday!

Love y’all to bits-